Teknicross® products

Jukka Pausola
Product and Sales Manager, Moulded products BU
+358456399354Teknikum manufactures customized polyurethane cast products for demanding environments. Our customers operate in the Mining, Energy, Marine, Infrastructure and Logistics industries. Teknikum® PUCAST material and manufacturing technology is particularly suitable for subsea cable protectors and marine products.
Teknikum is a specialist in combining metal and polyurethane in a longlasting, sustainable way. We are safe European subcontractor offering certified production with polymer material and production technology know-how.
The products can be made completely of polyurethane or equipped with metal frames.
Why Polyurethane?
Our production is suitable for:
Teknicross® products
Jukka Pausola
Product and Sales Manager, Moulded products BU
+358456399354Industrial customers, Moulded products
Satu Hyökki-Siltanen
Sales Manager, Moulded products BU
Teknikum Group Ltd
+358 50 468 1181Riku Sivula
Director, Moulded products & Linings Business Unit
Teknikum Group Ltd
+358 50 445 2255